How can I prepare to work from home?
Information Services encourages you to review your technology work requirements for working off site
Do I need a VPN Account?
When using VPN, you'll have access to all of the systems and services that you would if you were on
How do I request a VPN account?
To request a VPN account, please submit a VPN Account service request. An approval email will be sen
My VPN Account Request was approved, what do I do now?
Naturally, you'll want to test your VPN access before you start depending on it! Please note, you ca
Working from home on a Macbook pro
How do I log into my Macbook pro from home?
If you are taking a laptop off site for the first
Using Google Docs instead of Microsoft Word
Using Google Sheets instead of Microsoft Excel
Using Google Slides instead of Microsoft Powerpoint
Connecting to WTS-Workspace
Connecting to WTS-Workspace will allow you to access an AIC-hosted server that has our standard soft
List of WTS Servers
You can make use of the following WTS servers while working from home, these will accomodate your ne