How can I get started with Google Calendar?
To access helpful tips & info relating to Google Calendar, see Google's Google Calendar Help page.
How can I get started with Gmail?
For tips & helpful info on using Gmail, including how to create labels and sort messages, please see
How do I set my Out of Office reply?
For instructions on setting your Out of Office reply and turning it on, please see Google's document
How do I take a screenshot or capture a window on my screen?
In Windows, you can use the Snipping Tool, which highlights sections of the screen and
How do I find my IP Address?
On your desktop there is an application named FindMyIP. Double click on it and a small
How can I add a screen shot into the BODY of an email sent from Gmail?
Google instructions in adding inline images can be found at the following URL. https://support.goog
PDFs will only print with one page as portrait and the other landscape.
In the print dialog box make sure that the "Choose paper source by PDF page size" option is unchecke
Why am I not able to send or receive certain email attachments?
As a security measure to prevent potential viruses, Gmail doesn't allow you to send or receive execu
I'd like to import or export my contacts from my ARTIC Gmail, how can I do this?
For instructions on importing contacts to your Artic Gmail or exporting them, see the following Goog
How do I activate my ARTIC Account?
To activate your ARTIC account, follow these steps:
Go to password.artic.edu.
Click on